Toolbar customization

One of the most noticeable differences between IE and Mozilla is the lack of toolbar customization.

The ability to drag toolbars around, add/remove buttons and even just to turn the text of a button off is not available is Mozilla.

Myself, I like these options. They allow me to create a really small UI that dedicated the maximum amount of room to browsing.

These features are being worked on however. You can find all the information you want in these bugs:
15144 - Ability to add/remove toolbar buttons (customize toolbars)
If you dig into this bug, you can find a really cool XUL toolbar customization demo (it doesn't actually change your toolbar) here

48926 - Allow horizontally adjacent toolbars

49543 - Separate Toolbar from Address Bar [urlbar]

» posted by jeffp on July 11, 2002 at 02:11 PM


I'm hoping for the ability to drag and drop bookmarks within the bookmarks menu; none of that 'manage bookmarks' nonsense. I can understand how one might accidentally move bookmarks, and how that could become a hassle; but perhaps there could be a 'lock bookmarks' function that allows no disturbance of the order?

Also, being able to alphabetize bookmarks with a single right click-left click is something I sorely miss from IE.

# posted by bardamu

bardamu, Drag&Drop, Tooltips, and Context menus are those things that - in the opinion of many - just do not belong into menus, because they're highly confusing and problematically, especially for newbies.

jeffp, thanks for bringing this up. Unfortunately, progress isn't half as good as you claim. Read the latest few comments in bug 49543, and you'll see that people - including me - are unsure of how to go on.

a) to write a patch that will fix the issue mentioned in the summary of the bug, that is, seperate toolbar and address bar (or location bar, or urlbar, or "my favourite bar for entering text")

==> won't help. There are several patches in that bug. One of them was finally looked at yesterday, after months of no real reaction. It was marked "needs-work", the comment being that this patch will cause those who are happy with the *current* layout to become unhappy. That means, though, that the bug *cannot* be fixed at least before fixing bugs
15144 and 48926.

bug 15144 is halted (!), though, because marlon claimed in January that the spec from mpt in bug 49543 was incomplete and that he'll work on it.

marlon, though, stopped working on that spec in February (it's July already, isn't it?), so there's no point in still waiting for his work.

The other way - which I highly favor - is patch all three of them at a time. That will NOT cause ANYONE to complain that he wouldn't be able to make Mozilla look again what it used to look like (well... at least nearly.). Unfortunately, I seem to be the only one seeing this advantage.

Reading asa's comment ( ) in his bug, "I wondered why there was so much recent spam in this bug. Folks do their cause no good when they drive away any developer that migh care with all of these "me too" posts to Bugzilla bugs.", makes me even more sick, though. I'm not seeing any "me too" post there. I've already pointed out the problem in enough detail: We *cannot* fix that bug first, and yet that's how the current dependencies are set.

# posted by Chucker

How about a way to alphabetize bookmarks within the 'manage bookmarks' utility?

# posted by bardamu

how can i apply a CSS to my bookmark file?

# posted by David

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