Mozilla finally has XML pretty print

As I was poking around in the Mozilla 1.2a release notes, I noticed this paragraph:

I tried it and it worked! I've been waiting for this feature for a while now, as I deal with a lot of XML in my work (shameless plug for stxx. Now you can use XML/XSL in Struts!) so this is a nice feature to finally have enabled.

If you want to try it and see how it works, follow these links:

» posted by jeffp on September 17, 2002 at 05:17 AM


Won't work on my 1.2a, WinXP... Strange ?!

# posted by A. L.

I can't get this to work either under Debian Linux. Under Windows XP it works without any problems.

# posted by Stefan

Doesn't work on my NT.

# posted by pete

Works for me with Phoenix 0.4 on
both Linux and Win2K, BUT YOU HAVE
to sometimes reload to get it
to "take". Sometimes, the first
view is text() only, but a reload
makes the correct page eventually
appear. (Bug?)

# posted by Bob Swanson

You can use the regular installer-builds. If you don't have a user.js in your profile, just create one and put the user_pref(); in it.

# posted by JDogge

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