Minor design update
I made a few minor changes to this site today:
- Entries are no longer sorted by day. The date is now listed below the post.
- Added a search field. It's located on the left side bar and on the archives page. I wrote a simple search script in *shudder* Perl. I feel so dirty.
- Made all pages "printer-friendly". There's no trick to it, it's just a simple trick. We're good friends with XHTML so we can do that.
- Added "e-mail this article" functionality.
- Added "previous" and "next" links on each entry page for easier navigation.
- Removed the alternate stylesheet. It may return however.
- Added RSS 1.0 RDF file. If you know what that means, you must be excited.
If anything looks wrong, let me know.
Ironically, something about the LI tags in this post breaks the XHTML compliance.
Fixed. We're good friends with irony too :)
"There's no trick to it, it's just a simple trick"? Interesting way of putting it. ;)
Hi there.
Will you contribute your simple search-script? Did you switch to SQL with MT 2.21 for this?
Maybe you can help out a perl-DAU like me...
Nico, I based my script off the one described in this A List Apart article: A Search Engine in Perl
Well, thanx for that link, Pinder. I'll try...
No chance we will ever see that kode for your search component in the evil Perl for Movable Type?
Since you've asked, here it is as is. It's not a proper component perl script for MT. It's just a basic search script that searches the contents of .html files in the archives folder. I will probably replace it with a php script when I updgrade MT to the mysql compatible version.
Ahhh good man!! Thanks!! Will take a look and post back to you how well it works, and heap upon you the praise you deserve!!
Got it up and working .. thanks again, and you are credited!! Thanks again!!
The search script is fantastic. I have implemented some of diveintomark.org accessibility tips in particular providing alternate navigation using <link> tags. The article is found here. Problem is the script picks up the query terms in the <link> tags. Is there a way to exclude the link tags in the search. My lack of knowledge of Perl is really showing here. Any help appreciated.
You'd need some regular expression to parse out the tags. Sorry, I'm no regex expert. Try google or google groups!
How do i see that RSS 1.0 RDF version?, Is there some application which i must get? or some CSS? or...??
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