IE Skin

This should make the usability experts happy: Mozilla IE Skin.

I felt dirty using it, so I went back to Orbit.

» posted by pinder on August 23, 2002 at 04:27 PM


I think it looks great. It is the skin I always install on different machines. Very different from how I have IE set up, but I never use IE anymore.

# posted by Phillip M. Stewart

Seconded (tho I still use IE every once in a blue moon if there's some site that absolutely, positively refuses to work with Moz). With the component bar hidden, the only clue that it's not butter is the application icon in the upper left.

# posted by Ian Rowan

That and the fact that it renders sites properly. ;]

# posted by scratch

I hope they'll soon make a version of this theme that
mimics the look of the WinXP and Mac versions of IE.

At the moment, while this theme looks good in Mozilla
running on Windows and Linux, it doesn't look quite
right in MacOS, as there's no animated throbber.
Looks OK in Mozilla on Windows XP though.

# posted by DJGM

Usability experts would rather see a real native skin, IMHO. After all, just looking like IE isn't really a big step toward usability (and it could be argued that IE has many usability problems that most people ignore because they're so used to it).
The only real use for this skin would be to install Mozilla on your parents' computer without them ever noticing it's really Mozilla ;)

# posted by michel v

If you want to change the icon in the titlebar to match the skin, simply get the IE Icons:

# posted by Eric

DJGM: you may wish to take a look at but it's still under development and may not meet you expectations yet.

# posted by Bamm

I love this skin. Great job!. I tried this with both mozilla and Netscape 7. It works gr8., though there are couple of issues with netscape. Are there any plans to support Netscape in future?

# posted by Ramesh

I have a working netscape version at home. Haven't uploaded it yet. :)

# posted by Bamm

Though the look and feel of the skin is great, some functionalities like 'History' button are missing. Also the skin has problems with JavaScript (which work fine with default of skin). Though there are work-arounds for all the draw backs but sometimes it just sucks your brain out from your nose.

# posted by Chirag

IE skin is excellent for peoples who routinely use IE and like to find themselves in a known place ...
It really helps switching to Mozilla in office environments.

Please UPDATE IT FOR 1.2 and later !!!

# posted by JustMe

As I don't like the IE 6.0 look I customized the skin and icon packs to be more IE 5.x like and put them up:

There is also some XUL tweaking to make it more usable for my taste.

# posted by Tar

Hi guys, I had no internet connection for a while (oops, make that almost a year) but since I have a new job now, I now have internet access. It's been some time since I updated IE skin, but I believe I'll be working on it again. :)

My plans are: updated version for latest moz release, IE Skin XP, Netscape versions. Wish me luck! :)

# posted by Bamm

Hi everyone, I read somewhere in lxf that you can make mozilla fool sites into thinking you are using I.E or even Netscape (yeah I know moz is basically netscape - but better), but I'm damned if I can find the magazine that tells me how to do this - anybody got any clues?

Happy New Year everyone.

# posted by Eugene

I have a new version of Mozilla IE Skin.

# posted by Bamm

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