Huzzah! Tabs in Safari!

If you have access to a super-secret pre-release beta build of Safari (beta 62), you can start to use Tabs today!

If you activate the hidden debug menu, you will be able to open a new tab with the press of "command-t".

Link via Think Secret

» posted by jeffp on February 24, 2003 at 05:52 AM


How's that? I just tried software update and got nothing. Then I downloaded the latest on Apple's web page and got v60 (0.8.2) which is the same build that I've been working on for a week or two...

Did you get something different?

# posted by Jay Allen

Um, did you actually download the software to confirm that its a new build, and that tabs are present, or did you just assume that a Mac rumors site was actually accurate?

# posted by Neil

This guy doesn't have a clue @_@

# posted by Clint

This is BS... it has not been released yet. I would not mind knowing though how people _seem_ to be using it

# posted by Jonathan Greene

apparently someone leaked the .62 build by putting it on their idisk. you can read details in dave hyatts blog here:

the tabs are real, but not released yet.

# posted by jeremy

How is this about Mozilla?

# posted by evan

Now if they would just go back to using standard UI elements rather than abusing the chrome UI.

# posted by eric

Where can I download Safari beta 62 from?


# posted by Multmin

How is it work?

# posted by Qext

There is nothing to think about

# posted by Rhony

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