Get your Mozilla Trucker Hat

Using the logo from the poster art recently created by some tech workers in Poland, ryan from has created a Cafeshop featuring the moz logo on everything from t-shirts to lunchboxes. he writes:
i thought this would be a great idea to start a cafepress shop to help bring money to the different mozilla projects. i call it mozilla activism. every profit that i make through this shop will be donated to various mozilla projects.
CafePress is kind of a rip off though, but you would be the coolest indie kid ever with a Mozilla trucker hat. Personally, I'd like to see officially doing something like this using all the great art Shepard Fairey created (including the logo on this site, which i blatantly ripped off from the Mozilla about page).
[link via]
yeah, total rip off. you are supporting cafe press much more than mozilla. In fact, if mozilla ever did want to sell merch to help support the poject, this would hurt their efforts.
Ah, now I know who made those posters. Blogzilla tells about art today. Nice.
blah: Uh, I just thought about it, are we to make some of our own homemade shirts and caps, then? Potatoprints and fingerpaint. And hippiedom should need some tie-dye scarves with the Moz head on them. Or 1" buttons for your punky jacket.
excelente iniciativa pero se podrian hacer mejores diseņos con el "lagarto" de mozilla
hey, come on, guys, i had to up the price a little to make the donations to the different mozilla projects worth it. i don't have the money to create my own screenprinting business so cafepress was the best option. if you can find a better one, e-mail me.
I'm considering buying the Mozilla Trucker Hat. But what color should I go with? And more importantly, how's Cafe Press on quality? l've always been a bit skeptical.
cool hat I would love to wear it right away.
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