Eye candy is good (aka. More Mozilla Mail features)

Well, this one impressed me. Mozilla Mail now has a feature added to it called animated alerts.

What is an animated alert you ask? For all those who have used Hotmail w/ Messager (or apparently Yahoo mail), you're used to seeing animated boxes popping up from your taskbar (sorry Linux users) informing you that you have a new email.

Well, now this nice piece of gold-plating has been added to Mozilla Mail. A window will rise showing how many new pieces of email you have in your inbox.

This is a lot better than the previous method of an icon with a tool tip.

» posted by jeffp on March 25, 2002 at 09:50 AM


here's a screencap:

# posted by pinder

And here's the other alternatives they were considering:

From the spec.

# posted by Alex Bishop

Idea is nice but... If you have taskbar at the *top* as I do, then why on earth alerts keep popping up at the *bottom* of the screen? :)

# posted by aab

Whoa Alex, I don't know why you would, but if it's important, file a bug!

# posted by Shark Daddy

That's a nice little touch! Kudos to the Mail/News developers.

# posted by jacob

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