DOCTYPE sniffing in Mozilla New DOCTYPE sniffing in upcoming Mozilla releases
The Mozilla browser, like several other browsers on the market, uses DOCTYPE sniffing to determine how to render a page. In Mozilla's case, it either renders the page strictly, in "standards mode," or more loosely -- otherwise known as "quirks mode." Now Mozilla introduces something more. In the upcoming 1.01 and 1.1 releases, Mozilla will add an "almost standards" mode to its mix.
Couldn't they come up with something sounding more professional than *almost*-standards compliant mode?
What about 'ie-compatible' mode? :o)
Ye gods no! MARQUEE tags! (CRINGE!)
They should support dhtml like netscape 4.x. For example
The dthml-menu won´t work with current mozilla versions. do myself a favour and support it... :-)
Mozilla tends to take a dogmatic approach to web standards, so I don’t think that’ll happen any time soon. The Almost Standards-Comliant Mode only differs from Standards-Compliant Mode with the little things.
And about those marquee tags, that just won't happen. But I’m surprized to learn that Mozilla actually recognizes M$IE’s doctypes and triggers Quirks mode.
about , file a tech evang bug in bugzilla instead whining :)
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