Change the Default Text Size

Ever wanted to permanently set the size of text displayed in whatever flavor of Mozilla you prefer? Doing so only takes a simple tweak. Simply add * {font-size: 150%;} to your userContent.css file.

Hat tip to miken32 for offering this up in a MozillaZine thread.

Update: Changed userChrome.css to userContent.css above. Thanks for pointing this out Rizzo. And you're right about inconsistencies. All, use this at your own risk (it can be a bit buggy of an implementation). Go with Tools > Fonts and Colors > Font Size instead.

» posted by jonathan on May 21, 2003 at 10:40 PM


Fan mail: Gotta love userChrome.css -- everyday there seems to be a new addition to the way I want my Firebird to behave. Kudos for pointing this out.

# posted by Olle

i like different quote level colors :d

# posted by ninja

You know, this actually does *not* work. First off, you probably meant userContent.css, not userChrome.css.

Regardless, it's implementation is flawed and will get inconsistent results.

# posted by Rizzo

Rizzo: I use this for months now since I need this font setting on my high resolution monitor (2048x1536). So I know it works. Why do you think it does not?

# posted by Stefan Borggraefe

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