Apple-icious Widgets for Mozilla Firefox
Kevin Gerich, who brought Pinstripe to Mozilla Firefox on Mac OSX, is busy with brilliance, again. He's forging form widgets for Mozilla Firefox which'll appear more "presentable" — i.e. Apple-icious.
Ben Goodger has already offered to pull the elements in: "Figure out how to do this as a patch to the existing Mozilla code for Mac-only and do all the widgets, and we'll slurp this up."
Firefox is great. Apple is gay. MacOS is the suck. Don't copy Apple, be original.
Is the suck?
wow, don't bash an OS you haven't used before. OSX has a great design and is perfect for creating multimedia.
"Apple is gay. MacOS is the suck."
Art, I always wonder how people can identify themselves so much with an OS that it gets a major part of their identity and that they have to bash it like some rival sports team. Get a real life.
Perhaps he was talking about Windows and Microsoft.
Mac OS X is the best operating system ever while Windows is just a system - unsuitable to operate with.
"Apple is gay."
They got rid of that rainbow logo ages ago.
And what's the problem with the "Gay"ness of it? I see it as a complement, and if it is "gay" so be it. You don't have to hav sex with it.
Art, I do have to assume that you are a homophobe redneck. Only that will justify making a grammatically and factually sophomoric statement. And how do you propose "being original" since Windows has always copied Apple from day one?
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