Wednesday, January 30, 2002 æ
recent conversations:
pinder: shouldnt you be listening to cbc radio? you've got an image to keep you know
chris: i bought a sweater at walmart... the dream is dead
josh: so yeah, i'm thinking about going back to school
pinder: what kind of school? university?
josh: yeah, maybe law school
pinder: you're not smart enough for law school
josh: thanks pinder, you're such a good friend
darren (in the middle of a story): what's the term for where one partner chokes the other while performing...pinder, you probably know
pinder: autoerotic asphyxiation
darren: yeah, that's it
pinder: hey! wait a minute, why'd you assume i'd know!?
darren: well you did, didn't you?
pinder: yeah, but still!
paul: snowjob sounds like a dirty word
pinder: well, i know snowball is a dirty word.
pinder (after a short pause): fuck, why do i know so much porn lingo?
Sunday, January 27, 2002 æ
snowday a dump of snow fell, so i went to go play in the backyard.
i want more snow. not because it's charming and fun. i want a good 6 or 8 feet of it, like Buffalo had recently. i just want to see this city grind to a halt for a week or so.
Saturday, January 26, 2002 æ
If it's Here When We Get Back, It's Ours
by Texas is the Reason
Well, I think I finally thought of how to act every time you come around.
I think I'm finally sick of faking it.
But I hate you all
and that's for free
and that's what makes it easy for me.
Well, it took me long enough.
it's a song from my revelation records days rediscovered and on repeat endlessly. will you even download it? my guess is the majority won't since (a) you most likely haven't heard of the band before and (b) people don't care about other people's musical tastes.
if you did, tell me, is it emo? if so, does that mean i'm emo?
nah, i'm not pretty enough to be emo.
Thursday, January 24, 2002 æ
"Consequentialism" refers to a class of normative moral theories which maintain that an action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more favorable than unfavorable.
consequences dictate
Thus, correct moral conduct is determined solely by a cost-benefit analysis of an action's consequences. Consequentialism requires that we first tally both the good and bad consequences of an action; we then determine whether the total good consequences outweigh the total bad consequences. If the good consequences are greater, then the action is morally proper. If the bad consequences are greater, then the action is morally improper.
our course of action
Most versions of consequentialism are more precisely formulated than the general principle above. In particular, contending consequentialist theories specify which consequences for affected groups of people are relevant. Subdivisions of consequentialism emerge:
* Ethical Egoism: an action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more favorable than unfavorable only to the agent performing the action.
and it doesn't matter what's right.
Proponents of ethical egoism appeal a psychological principle of motivation called psychological egoism. Psychological egoism states that all human actions, with no exception, are ultimately motivated by selfish interests. This, they argue, is an unalterable fact of human nature. Egoists argue further that moral obligation must operate within the confines of our human makeup (we clearly cannot be expected to perform actions beyond our abilities). The conclusion they draw, then, is that ethical egoism is the only possible criterion for ethical judgment since it alone recognizes our completely selfish motivations.
it's only wrong if you get caught.
Unfortunately, all of these appeals to instinctive motives fail, for there is no way to empirically establish whether human nature is instinctively selfish, benevolent, or some mixture of the two. All consequentialist theories can be evaluated from the standpoint of our common moral intuitions.
if consequences dictate my course of action
Problems are immediately revealed with ethical egoism. According to ethical egoism, acts of lying, stealing, and even killing would be morally permissible so long as (1) the agent benefited, and (2) he was not caught.
i should play God
But, it is clearly contrary to our common notions of morality to call such acts "moral." Finally, all versions of consequentialism leave open the possibility that a heinous action, such as torture or slavery, could be morally permissible if its benefits outweighed its disbenefits. However, our common moral intuitions tell us that such actions are unjust regardless of the beneficial consequences produced. Consequentialism, then, appears to be flawed at its very root since justice can be dispensed with if it produces the appropriate benefits.
and shoot you in your fucking head
italics: Tool - Jerk-Off
quotes: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Consequentialism
Tuesday, January 22, 2002 æ
paul says that "cunt" is the new "fuck". i like "cunt" (hehe). it's not necessarily new, but fresh, and best of all, still offensive. coming from a girl, "cunt" is much more damning than "fuck". particularly since most girls don't swear as often as guys, well at least the girls i know. probably because swearing a lot isn't particularly attractive in a woman. if they do swear, it's usually "fuck". but every once in a while, when that blood starts boiling, you know a girl is mad when she calls another girl a "cunt". ("who Carol? i told you that bitch is crazy!"). it's not always bad though, i can think of a time a girl found the need to say "cunt" and it was all good. :)
in related news, my new catchphrase:
"oh, go fuck right off"
it works in every situation. "fuck" still has some life in it. sure its lost some of its vulgarity, but that's just because you're not saying it right. it's all about delivery. you just can't say "fuck". you have to say it with vigor and zeal. like how they say fuck in Glengarry Glen Ross.
emphasis on the 'f' and the 'ck'. and the 'u' sounds more like an 'o', but not quite. with gusto. say it like you fucking mean it.
oh, go fuck right off pinder.
Sunday, January 20, 2002 æ
Friday, January 18, 2002 æ
"you know pinder, if you actually cared about anything, i could make fun of you for it"
even though i'm not on the ballot, i vote for me. last month a panel of scientists in white lab coats determined that i do, in fact, rock.
more regular updates coming soon....mostly featuring photos from my new camera
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 æ
on the way out of the parkade last night, i was preoccupied with handing the ticket guy my validated ticket. i take my foot off the brake slightly; the car inches forward a bit. i look up and there's a woman crossing right in front. she's startled by the moving car and jumps back. i hit the brakes of course. i was no where near hitting her, but i started laughing at her. actually, we, started laughing at her. she made a "what the fuck?" face. it was funny!
later on the drive home, i sorta cut off this Dodge Neon because it was going really slow in the left lane. but the stupid Neon highbeams me and keeps them on! big mistake. right after that the lanes merge and it's a straight road for about 5K. so at the upcoming intersection, i turn on my left turn signal and slow down. the Neon swerves around me and keeps going straight. i turn off my signal and step on the gas, now following the Neon, with my high beams on.
it's fun being a jackass.
Saturday, January 12, 2002 æ
sure i get the standard, and sometimes odd, search requests from Google like everyone else, but my favourites always come from Lycos Advanced. the following is a list of search requests found in my logs from lycos:
i don't know who or what is searching for these; probably some linguistics grad student wrote a bot. either way, some awesome word combinations in there. my favourite is "refreshing stalins tassels".
Thursday, January 10, 2002 æ
ask and you shall receive: googlebar for mozilla. takes up quite a bit of screen space, because you can't move toolbars around, but it does the job.
check out the hidden "next result" and "previous result" features for the real IE google toolbar:

you can crawl through search results by clicking the next or prev buttons instead of clicking the back button to the results page and then clicking the next result. i'm not sure i'd use it often, but it's fun playing with hidden features. regedit instructions to uncover located at this thread.
Wednesday, January 09, 2002 æ
fuck internet explorer. i stopped using it a few months ago. no more
popups, no more ads, no more security holes,
browsing. the only thing good about IE is the
href="">google toolbar, and
google wrote that. i use the latest nightly build of
mozilla, so make sure your shit works with it.
10K isn't a
marathon. anything longer than the distance
from the parkade to the office building is a marathon.
attention christian parents,
title="christian watchdog group's review of TOOL - Lateralus"> approves of TOOL - Lateralus. not only that, but it
sounds like the reviewer's a fan.
Tuesday, January 08, 2002 æ
well not really, just a new header image. if you don't notice
anything different, hit
reload. it still needs tweeking, i'll fix it later. playing around
with my new digital
camera (
995) i took this
of my speaker, using my cam's cool macro closeup feature. threw it in
Photoshop, made it orange (because i didn't want to change colours),
and added
interlaced lines, because as you might not know, i have a patent on
graphics. companies always claim they have patents on plugins and
things like
as such, i claim interlacing as mine. so if you use interlaced
graphics, you owe
me royalties.
Monday, January 07, 2002 æ
on april 21, 2002 i'm gonna run the
href="">Vancouver Sun Run. that's a 10K
marathon. should be interesting since i have the exact opposite of a
runner's body.
0k_program">13 week training program starts this week!
game fucking on.
Friday, January 04, 2002 æ
i never watched much children's programming as a kid. Bugs Bunny was
the only
one i watched regularly. why is that? because most everything else
scared the
shit out of me.
for american readers, Mr. Dressup was a long-running children's show
in Canada on CBC-TV, along similiar lines to Mr. Rogers Neighbourhood.
Mr. Dressup hung out with two puppets, one a small boy named Casey
and the other, a dog named Finnegan. i liked Finnegan. Casey freaked
me out. that ceramic face, the
haunting eyes... *shudder* in fact most
"person-talks-to-hand-puppets" type shows were
Mr. Rogers Neighbourhood
a character named Mr. McFeely! oh c'mon! if that isn't a perv name,
then i don't know what is. while i didn't mind the simple lessons and
soothing manner of Mr. Rogers, it was the neighborhood of make believe
i found unsettling. again...hand puppets. besides, that
Friday was a jerk! any time the train would make it's way to
the make believe world i'd change the channel.
okay, they had a good theme song, i'll give them that. and thinking
back, i appreciate the carefree hippy lifestyle the fraggles lived.
but there was one point about this show that troubled me. a talking
garbage heap was a God of the fraggle kingdom. fucking. talking.
Sesame Street
oh but the worst was from Sesame Street. not the show itself, i
really liked it a lot, especially when they went to factories and
showed you how they made crayons or paper. Kermit's farm reports, the
the gay couple (Bert and Ernie), Grover, the homeless puppet (Oscar:
of course
i'm a grouch, bitch i live in a fucking trash can!), all of that was
good. so what was it about Sesame Street that scarred me oh so?
Gregory Hines.
to be more specific...Gregory Hines's package. whenever he'd go into
his tap or jazz dancing routine wearing his tight tights, there it
would be. he'd do his little arabesques and demi-entrechats,
but my 4 yr old eyes would be fixated on his massive unit prancing
around. "what the hell is that!? this is not right. i shouldn't be
seeing this." i expect that in a Prince video, not Sesame Street!
am i the only one? didn't children's programming scare you?
Wednesday, January 02, 2002 æ
Curry. On the streets they call it "Special C", "Hindu Fun Dip", "Bombay Spank"
and people are becoming addicted to this Indian spice...
Clip from
href="">The Daily
Show (Quicktime, 14mb)
Tuesday, January 01, 2002 æ
everything can change on a new years day